GMF Afforded Training to Airasia Co.Ltd
Posted on Mon, 10 December 2018

GMF Learning Services (TW) afforded training of A320 CMQ (Cross Maintenance Qualification) CFM56 CEO to Air Asia Company Limited, aircraft maintenance provider in Tainan, Chinese Taipei .This training was guided by Mr. Yudistia Panca Candra as GMF instructor.
According to Yudis, this training was given for the development of Air Asia Co.Ltd's capabilities in maintaining A320 aircraft. The implementation of the training was divided into several times. The first theory class was held on September 24th - 28th, 2018 in the Airbus' special class at GMF. The next theory class was held on November 19th - 22nd, 2018 in Tainan , Chinese Taipei. "Practical will be conducted at the GMF's Hangar facility on November 26th to December 5th, 2018," he said.
In this training,Mr. Yudis gave the Cross Mantenance Qualification CFM56 material, which was about the differences in engine types on A320 aircraft. By aircraft system, the A320 CEO aircraft does not have a significant difference which is compared to other A320 series. But, the most noticeable difference is the use of the engine. The A320 CEO aircraft use the CFM56 engine, while the other A320 series use Leap 1A and PW11OO engines.
Yudis said, through this training , GMF can introduce its capacity as a AMTO 147 EASA licensed and Airbus' approved training provider to customers in the region. "Air Asia Co. Ltd plans to re-submit training for A320 CMQ NEO LEAP dan PW1100," he said.